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Coding Principle

H1000 - Excision of sigmoid colon
H1590 - Open formation of colostomy
H2350 - Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of colorectal polyp
H2380 - Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) of colorectal polyp
H3363 - Colectomy and colostomy and preservation of rectum
H3364 - Laparoscopic anterior resection - high (i.e. colorectal anastomosis above the peritoneal reflection)
H3365 - Laparoscopic anterior resection - low (i.e. colorectal anastomosis at or below the peritoneal reflection)
H3380 - Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse
H3400 - Open excision of lesion of rectum and colon
T4302 - Open adhesiolysis (including biopsy)
H3369 - Robotic assisted Hartmann's procedure
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