CCSD Technical guide

Within the Technical Guide, you will find information on coding conventions, coding principles, and guidelines for submitting code requests.

The Technical Guide covers a wide range of topics, including the criteria for code inclusion or amendment, and the process for requesting changes.

Additionally, the guide offers insights into the classification and description of procedures and diagnostic tests, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and consistency in coding practices.

Code Requests to Replace Dual Coding

Guidance for code requests that replace dual coding.

Therapeutic and Diagnostic Combinations

Guidance for therapeutic and diagnostic combinations.

Open Endoscopic and percutaneous code combinations

Guidance for how to use code combinations involving endoscopic and percutaneous codes.

Subset procedures

Guidance for how to use subset procedure codes.

Code Requests to Replace Dual Coding

Therapeutic and Diagnostic Combinations

Open Endoscopic and percutaneous code combinations

Subset procedures

CCSD Technical Guide

We encourage you to explore the Technical Guide to enhance your understanding of the CCSD Schedules and optimise its utilisation in your healthcare organisation, as well as guide your interactions with the CCSD Schedules, including the submission of code change requests.