Code Details & Principles for Q0920

Code details & principles for


  • Chapter 14 / Uterus/Adnexa
Code Description Chapter/Sub-Chapter Code Specific Guidance
Q0920 Myomectomy (including laparoscopically) +/- ureterolysis 14.1.0 Uterus/Adnexa

Unacceptable Combinations for Q0920

CCSD Code (unacceptable combination) Narrative (unacceptable combination) Date Added
GA517 ?Hysterectomy +/- salpingo-oophorectomy for gender affirmation 2024-10-08
M2530 Ureterolysis - unilateral 2014-08-07
M2580 Ureterolysis - bilateral 2014-08-07
M2581 Robotic assisted ureterolysis - unilateral 2024-04-15
M2582 Robotic assisted ureterolysis - bilateral 2024-04-15
P2380 Anterior (+/- posterior) colporrhaphy with vaginal hysterectomy (including primary repair of enterocele and cystoscopy) 2014-03-04
P2390 Anterior (+/- posterior) colporrhaphy with vaginal hysterectomy with laparoscopic assistance (including primary repair of enterocele and cystoscopy) 2014-07-03
P3192 Laparoscopic excision of recto-vaginal endometriosis including bowel resection (including formation of stoma) +/- hysterectomy, +/-ureterolysis 2014-08-06
Q0710 Radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy (Wertheim's) +/- ureterolysis 2010-01-20
Q0711 Robotic assisted radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy (Wertheim's) +/- ureterolysis 2019-03-07
Q0740 Total abdominal hysterectomy, +/- oophorectomy, +/- ureterolysis 2014-07-08
Q0790 Laparoscopic total hysterectomy, +/- oophorectomy, +/- ureterolysis 2011-01-20
Q0791 Robotic assisted total hysterectomy (+/- oophorectomy) 2011-03-11
Q0792 Prophylactic hysterectomy (+/- oophorectomy) 2019-10-07
Q0800 Vaginal hysterectomy without laparoscopic assistance 2012-04-04
Q0830 Vaginal hysterectomy with laparoscopic assistance +/- ureterolysis 2013-03-17
Q0890 Vaginal hysterectomy including salpingo-oophorectomy (including laparoscopically assisted) +/- ureterolysis 2011-02-03
Q0930 Robotic assisted myomectomy 2014-02-07
Q0950 Plastic reconstruction of uterus 2010-01-20
Q1700 Therapeutic hysteroscopic operations on uterus (including endometrial ablation excluding microwave or radiofrequency ablation) +/- Mirena coil insertion 2013-06-04
Q1705 Robotic assisted therapeutic hysteroscopic operations on uterus (including endometrial ablation excluding microwave or radiofrequency ablation) 2024-04-15
Q1802 Hysteroscopy with resection of fibroids (excluding morcellation) +/- insertion of Mirena coil 2013-10-04
Q2081 Myolysis of uterine fibroids 2013-12-02
Q3900 Laparoscopy (including e.g. puncture of ovarian cysts, +/- biopsy, minor endometriosis, +/-ureterolysis) 2014-08-06
T3600 Wedge excisionÿor removal of omentum (as sole procedure) 2013-06-04
T4130 Freeing of adhesions of peritoneum 2013-07-23
T4300 Laparoscopic adhesiolysis (including biopsy) 2013-07-23
T4302 Open adhesiolysis (including biopsy) 2013-07-23
T4303 Robotic assisted adhesiolysis (including biopsy) 2024-04-15

Coding Principles

These coding principles set out how the authors intend that the codes and narratives within the CCSD Schedule are interpreted and used. The outputs are available to be used by all individual insurers and providers including CCSD and non-CCSD members. Please note that:

  • The CCSD Group does not discuss nor determine classifcations, reimbursement or fees - all insurers will have their own view on these matters
  • The inclusion of a procedure code and/or its associated coding principles in the CCSD Schedule does not necessarily mean that it is endorsed by all members of the CCSD Group and codes may or may not be included in individual insurers' own Schedules or covered
  • The coding principles are non-exhaustive guidelines only - each individual insurer may choose whether or not to adopt an individual combination of codes in practice and you will need to contact the insurer for further information